Conference publications
B63. Le D, Raeymaekers B, 3D printing engineered composite materials with tailored properties using multi-step curing and ultrasound-assisted vat photopolymerization with a rotating build platform; Proc. of the International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing, Atlanta, GA (USA), 28 Oct - 01 Nov 2024
B62. Hou R, Raeymaekers B, Ultrasound field-assisted 3D printing of multi-functional mechanical metamaterials; Proc. of the International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing, Atlanta, GA (USA), 28 Oct - 01 Nov 2024
B61. Presley CT, Guevara Vasquez F, Raeymaekers B, Multi-frequency ultrasound directed self-assembly, Proc. of IEEE Ultrasound, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control symposium, Taipei (Taiwan), 22-26 September 2024
B60. Raeymaekers B, Surface topography and additive manufacturing; Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Symposium, Online, 24 July 2024 (invited talk)
B59. McKay JC, Raeymaekers B, Francoeur M, Thermal emission by dielectric particles; Proc. Of the 22nd Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, Boulder, CO (USA), 23-28 June 2024
B58. Allen Q, Raeymaekers B, Surface texturing of prosthetic hip implant bearing surfaces: A review; Proc. of STLE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN (USA), 20-24 May 2024
B57. Raeymaekers B, Integrating ultrasound directed self-assembly and additive manufacturing to fabricate engineered materials; Proc. of Acoustics 23, Sydney (Australia), 4-8 December 2023 (invited talk)
B56. B Raeymaekers, Using machine learning algorithms to relate the surface topography of as-built surfaces to additive manufacturing process parameters; Proc. of STLE Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA (USA), 21-25 May 2023
B55. K Niendorf, B Raeymaekers, Fabricating polymer-matrix composite materials with aligned microfibers using ultrasound directed self-assembly and stereolithography; Proc. of the American Chemical Society Spring Meeting, San Diego, CA (USA), 20-24 March 2022
B54. Q Allen, B Raeymaekers, The effect of axisymmetric texture floor profile on the lubricant film thickness of textured hard-on-soft prosthetic hip implant bearings; Proc. of STLE Annual Meeting, Virtual, 18-22 May 2021
B53. B Raeymaekers, Integrating ultrasound directed self-assembly and additive manufacturing to fabricate engineered materials; Proc. of 180th ASA Conference, Virtual, 7-11 June 2021 (invited)
B52. Q Allen, A Borjali, J Langhorn, B Raeymaekers, Reducing polyethylene wear in metal-on-polyethylene prosthetic bearing couples using a patterned microtexture; Proc. of 2nd Korea Tribology International Symposium, Seoul (Korea), 30 November-02 December 2020
B51. B Raeymaekers, Manufacturing engineered materials with ultrasound directed self-assembly; Proc. of the ISMA-USD Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference, Leuven (Belgium), 7-9 September 2020
B50. K Niendorf K, B Raeymaekers, Combining ultrasound directed self-assembly and stereolithography to fabricate polymer-matrix composite materials with aligned carbon microfibers; Proc. of the Solid Freeform Fabrication symposium, Austin, TX (USA), 17-19 August 2020
B49. MR Mroz, TA Ogden, I Nelson, M Prisbrey, B Raeymaekers, SE Naleway, Bioinspired porous materials through ice and ultrasound templating; Proc. of The Materials Science Conference, San Diego, CA (USA), 23-27 February 2020
B48. Q Allen, B Raeymaekers, A patterned microtexture to increase lubricant film thickness and extend longevity of a hard-on-soft prosthetic hip bearings; Proc. of Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ (USA), 8-11 February 2020
B47. SE Naleway, I Nelson, A Yin, M Mroz, P Wadsworth, B Raeymaekers, Bioinspired extrinsic control of freeze casting for biomaterials; Proc. of 8th International Conference on Mechanics of Biomaterials and Tissues, Waikoloa Beach, HI (USA), 15-19 December 2019
B46. M Prisbrey, B Raeymaekers, Aligning high-aspect ratio particles in user-specified orientations with ultrasound directed self-assembly; Proc. of 178th ASA Conference, San Diego, CA (USA), 2-6 December 2019
B45. DS Watring, KC Carter, D Crouse, B Raeymaekers, AD Spear, Effects of processing parameters and surface roughness on the high-cycle fatigue life of Inconel 718 manufactured by laser powder bed fusion; Proc. of International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT (USA), 11-14 November 2019
B44. M Mroz, TA Ogden, I Nelson, M Prisbrey, B Raeymaekers, SE Naleway, Biomimetic layered structuring of ceramics through ice and ultrasound templating; Proc. of International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT (USA), 11-14 November 2019
B43. Q Allen, B Raeymaekers, Using a soft EHL model to maximize lubricant film thickness in microtextured hard-on-soft orthopaedic bearings; Proc. of STLE Tribology Frontiers Conference, Chicago, IL (USA), 20-23 October 2019
B42. P Wadsworth, I Nelson, TA Ogden, B Raeymaekers, SE Naleway, 3D printing bioinspired composite materials with ultrasound directed self-assembly; Proc. of The Materials Science Conference, San Antonio, TX (USA), 10-14 March 2019 (first place in the Biological Materials Science Poster Session)
B41. MR Mroz, TA Ogden, I Nelson, M Prisbrey, B Raeymaekers, SE Naleway, Nanoscale porous bioinspired materials through ice and ultrasound templating; Proc. of The Materials Science Conference, San Antonio, TX (USA), 10-14 March 2019
B40. M Prisbrey, B Raeymaekers, Ultrasound manipulation of 3D dynamic user-specified patterns of particles in air, Proc. of 176rd ASA Conference, Victoria, BC (Canada), 5-9 November 2018
B39. A Borjali, J Langhorn, B Raeymaekers, Using a patterned microtexture to reduce polyethylene wear in metal-on-polyethylene prosthetic bearing couples, Proc. of STLE Tribology Frontiers Conference, Chicago, IL (USA), 28-31 October 2018
B38. B Raeymaekers, Nanoscale mechanics of ultrathin liquid polymer films using molecular dynamics simulations; Proc. of STLE Annual Meeting, Minnesota, MN (USA), 20-24 May 2018 (invited)
B37. BA Noble, B Raeymaekers, Spreading of ultrathin polymer films on nanotextured substrates using molecular dynamics; Proc. of STLE Annual Meeting, Minnesota, MN (USA), 20-24 May 2018
B36. TA Ogden, M Prisbrey, I Nelson, B Raeymaekers, SE Naleway, Freeze casting of bioinspired porous ring structures through ultrasound directed self-assembly; Proc. of The Materials Science Conference, Phoenix, AZ (USA), 11-15 March 2018
B35. J Langhorn, E Hippensteel, D Schmidt, A Borjali, B Raeymaekers, Microtexturing to reduce wear in orthopaedic device bearing couples; Proc. of Material Science and Technology Conference, Pittsburgh, PA (USA), 9-12 October 2017
B34. M Prisbrey, JJ Greenhall, F Guevara Vasquez, B Raeymaekers, Directed self-assembly of three-dimensional user-specified patterns of particles using ultrasound, Proc. of 173rd ASA Conference, Boston, MA (USA), 25-29 June 2017
B33. BA Noble, B Raeymaekers, Spreading kinetics of ultra-thin polymer-based lubricant films using molecular dynamics; Proc. of STLE Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA (USA), 21-25 May 2017
B32. CM Mate, BA Noble, B Raeymaekers, Anomalous spreading kinetics of polymer lubricant films, Proc. of 253rd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Francisco, CA (USA), 2-6 April 2017
B31. JJ Greenhall, F Guevara Vasquez, B Raeymaekers, Unconstrained manipulation of micro-particles using phase-control of standing ultrasound wave fields, Proc. of 172nd ASA Conference, Honolulu, Hi (USA), 28 November-2 December 2016
B30. JJ Greenhall, F Guevara Vasquez, B Raeymaekers, Ultrasound directed self-assembly of user-specified patterns of nanoparticles dispersed in a fluid medium, Proc. of 171st ASA Conference, Salt Lake City, UT (USA), 23-27 May 2016
B29. MR Price, A Ovcharenko, B Raeymaekers, Determining mechanical properties of ultra-thin multi-layer coatings using nanoindentation simulations, Proc. of STLE Tribology Frontiers Conference, Denver, CO (USA), 25-27 October 2015
B28. BA Noble, A Ovcharenko, B Raeymaekers, Terraced spreading of nanometer-thin lubricant using molecular dynamics; Proc. of STLE Tribology Frontiers Conference, Denver, CO (USA), 25-27 October 2015
B27. BA Noble, A Ovcharenko, B Raeymaekers, Quantifying lubricant droplet spreading on a flat substrate using molecular dynamics; Proc. of STLE Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX (USA), 17-21 May 2015
B26. MR Price, A Ovcharenko, R Thangaraj, B Raeymaekers, Simulating nano-indentation of ultra-thin diamond-like carbon coatings, Proc. of STLE Tribology Frontiers Conference, Chicago, IL (USA), 26-28 October 2014
B25. MR Price, A Ovcharenko, R Thangaraj, B Raeymaekers, Delamination of ultra-thin diamond-like carbon coatings on magnetic recording heads under combined loading; Proc. of Information Storage and Processing Systems (ISPS) Conference, Santa Clara, CA (USA), 23-24 June 2014
B24. M Qiu, B Raeymaekers, Improving tribological performance of prosthetic knee joints using surface microtexturing; Proc. of STLE Annual Meeting, Lake Buena Vista, FL (USA), 18-22 May 2014
B23. M Qiu, B Raeymaekers, A patterned microtexture to improve longevity of prosthetic knee joints; Proc. of 2nd International Conference on Biotribology, Toronto (Canada), 11-14 May 2014
B22. AP Sanders, J Weisenburger, H Haider, C Gerard, Raeymaekers B, Using a surrogate contact pair to evaluate UHMWPE wear in knee condyle applications; Proc. of 6th UHMWPE meeting, Torino (Italy), October 2013
B21. MR Price, A Ovcharenko, R Thangaraj, B Raeymaekers, Quantifying delamination of ultra-thin diamond-like carbon coatings using molecular dynamics; Proc. of Society of Engineering Science (SES) Conference, Contact Mechanics Symposium, Providence, RI (USA), 28-31 July 2013
B20. SJ Petersen, B Raeymaekers, S Basu, M Francoeur, Infrared characterization of Mie resonance-based dielectric metamaterials fabricated using directed self-assembly; Proc. of IMECE, San Diego, CA (USA), 15-21 November 2013
B19. MR Price, A Ovcharenko, R Thangaraj, B Raeymaekers, Delamination of ultra-thin diamond-like carbon coatings on magnetic recording heads under normal loading; Proc. of Information Storage and Processing Systems (ISPS) Conference, Santa Clara, CA (USA), 24-25 June 2013
B18. A Chyr, AP Sanders, B Raeymaekers, Improving durability of metal-on-polyethylene hip joints using surface microtexturing; Proc. of STLE Annual Meeting, Detroit, MI (USA), 5-9 May 2013
B17. A Chyr, AP Sanders, B Raeymaekers, Creating hydrodynamic lubrication in metal-on-polyethylene hip joints using microtexture; Proc. of Orthopedics Research Society Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX (USA), 26-29 January 2013
B16. M Qiu, B Bailey, R Stoll, B Raeymaekers, The validity of the compressible Reynolds equation for gas lubricated textured parallel slider bearings; Proc. of ASME/STLE International Joint Tribology Conference, Denver, CO (USA), 8-10 October 2012
B15. M Qiu, B Raeymaekers, Performance of different microtexture shapes for textured gas lubricated parlallel slider bearings; Proc. of ASME/STLE International Joint Tribology Conference, Denver, CO (USA), 8-10 October 2012
B14. G Pawar, P Pawlus, I Etsion, B Raeymaekers, The validity of the spectral moments approach and the Greenwood-Williamsion model for three-dimensional contacting rough surfaces; Proc. of STLE Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO (USA), 6-10 May 2012
B13. B Raeymaekers, C Pantea, DN Sinha, Manipulating 5 nm diamond nanoparticles in user-defined patterns using bulk acoustic waves; Proc. of 161st ASA Conference, Seattle, WA (USA), 23-27 May 2011
B12. B Raeymaekers, C Pantea, CF Osterhoudt, DN Sinha, Ultrasonic imaging and characterization of objects submerged in highly attenuating fluids; Proc. of 159th ASA Conference, Baltimore, MD (USA), 19-22 April 2010
B11. B Raeymaekers, S Helm, R Brunner, E Fanslau, FE Talke, Fretting wear between a hollow sphere and a flat plate; Proc. of ASME/STLE International Joint Tribology Conference, Memphis, TN (USA), 19-21 October 2009
B10. U Boettcher, B Raeymaekers, RA de Callafon, FE Talke, Design of a dual-stage actuator tape head controller; Proc. of Information Storage and Processing Systems (ISPS) Conference, Santa Clara, CA (USA), 16-17 June 2008
B9. U Boettcher, B Raeymaekers, RA de Callafon, FE Talke, Design of a dual-stage actuator tape head controller; Proc. of ASME Engineering Systems Design and Analysis Conference, Haifa (Israel), 07-08 July 2008
B8. B Raeymaekers, I Etsion, FE Talke, A model for the magnetic tape/guide interface with laser surface texturing; Proc. of ASME/STLE International Joint Tribology Conference, San Diego, CA (USA), 22-24 October 2007
B7. B Raeymaekers, I Etsion, FE Talke, Reducing the magnetic tape/guide friction coefficient by laser surface texturing: Experimental Analysis; Proc. of ASME/STLE International Joint Tribology Conference, San Diego, CA (USA), 22-24 October 2007
B6. B Raeymaekers, MR Graham, RA de Callafon, FE Talke, Design of a dual-stage actuator tape head with high-bandwidth track-following capability; Proc. of Information Storage and Processing Systems (ISPS) Conference, Santa Clara, CA (USA), 18-19 June 2007
B5. DE Lee, B Raeymaekers, FE Talke, In-situ monitoring of the brush/rotor interface in a homopolar motor with acoustic emission; Proc. of AUSTRIB 06 Conference, Brisbane (Australia), 3-6 December 2006
B4. B Raeymaekers, FE Talke, The effect of friction between a cylindrical guide and magnetic tape on lateral tape motion; Proc. of AUSTRIB 06 Conference, Brisbane (Australia), 3-6 December 2006
B3. B Raeymaekers, I Etsion, FE Talke, Influence of operation conditions on tape/guide friction; Proc. of ASME/STLE International Joint Tribology Conference, San Antonio, TX (USA), 23-25 October 2006
B2. B Raeymaekers, FE Talke, The use of acoustic emission for detection of tape edge contact; Proc. of Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment (MIPE) Conference, Santa Clara, CA (USA), 21-23 June 2006
B1. B Raeymaekers, RJ Taylor, FE Talke, Correlation of lateral tape motion and tape tension transients; Proc. of Information Storage and Processing Systems (ISPS) Conference, Santa Clara, CA (USA), 28-29 June 2005